Martillo Hidráulico UG5000 | Hydrokhan - maquinarias uguil

Merek: ug5000

ug5000   ug5000 Martillo hidráulico UG5000 Hydrokhan, martillo hidráulico para excavadora de 40 a 75 ton, martillo hidráulico fabricado en corea, duradero y resistente.

ug5000 slot UG5000. BONUS 100%. Share link. close button. ug5000&utm_medium=social&utm_source=. share icon. 14 L of wash solvent is pumped through 14 jets to flush the fluid passage and exterior of 2 spray guns in under 1 minute.

ug5000 slot Martillo hidráulico UG5000 Hydrokhan, martillo hidráulico para excavadora de 40 a 75 ton, martillo hidráulico fabricado en corea, duradero y resistente. 14 L of wash solvent is pumped through 14 jets to flush the fluid passage and exterior of 2 spray guns in under 1 minute.

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